No progress on the mortising machine this weekend unfortunately, I was busy being a plumber. I'm currently renovating an old farmhouse and it has completely consumed my life. This upcoming weekend though I'm travelling down to Washington to pick up a dust collector from Grizzly. I have a grizzly jointer and think it's great quality for the price. From what I've seen, Grizzly's machines are as good as you're going to find for Taiwanese made equipment and they're crazy cheap. The dust collector I'm buying is $750. A comparable machine up here, with similar features, is well into the $2000 price range. Even with the dollar going into the crapper, it's still cheaper to drive down and pick one up. Unfortunately due to some non-compete clause with a Canadian company Grizzly won't ship to Canada, and won't even hold something for pickup if the final destination is Canada. Their showroom in Washington is only a couple hours from Vancouver though, so it's relatively close.
I'm going to get one of those next year I think. Right now I have a little unit I cart around. It works alright but I bet this one is a lot better.
hey cody, get your ass working on that mortiser. that thing looks amazing. i'm sure it'll be better then anything you could have gotten on the market. throw up a photo of your bandsaw... i love those things.
Sheesh, my bandsaw isn't here yet. The guy from D&W is totally dragging his ass. Should be here next week, I'll post some pics of it for sure. Thanks for the mortiser praise. It should be awesome, if I ever get it done...
what kind of hold-down are you going to make for the mortiser? i'm thinking about that for mine right now. i got a scmi x/y table with no hold-down. i got the vertical rod, but i need more... not more rod, more parts for the rod. i've got some old clamps that i'm thinking of hacking to pieces and encassing in wood. the only problem is keeping the wood on the rod at the right height. i was thinking of somekind of quick release lever. had you come up with any wild ideas as a solution?
i wish i had a cyclone, so do my lungs
I haven't put a pile of thought into it yet, other than a few sketches. I'll send a couple over. So are you mounting your scmi XY table to the outboard side of your lathe? That's a good idea.
Amish - Amen brother! I seem to have developed a bit of a wood allergy. Wood dust makes my eyes get itchy and swell up really bad. One area I didn't want to skimp too bad was dust collection.
yeah i got a jacobs chuck on ebay, got a machinist friend to cut new threads on the outboard side of the lathe. and to boot, robert hooked me up with the scmi x/y for cost when i was on the coast last. i got the lathe for 375$, the x/y for 450$ and the chuck for 48.75$, and voila. and if i need to move and not bring the lathe with me, i just pop the headstock off and bring the motor, build a box, fill it with sand... you get the point. it's going to end up being a pretty cheap mortiser. it's not set up yet, cause my pa got the laguna one in his shop, so no need just now, but soon... it should do the trick quite nicely. but right now, i've got a hardon for a oliver 20" bandsaw in north carolina. buddy wants a grand for it. it looks identical to the davis and wells saw. just need to figure out how to get down there. your getting the refurbished one right, cody? how much was it, if you don't mind me asking? and more to the point, what does shipping on something of that size cost?
Do you have pictures of the Oliver saw? Do you have the phone number of the dude selling it? Just asking...
I did buy the refurbished saw, it cost $3250. Shipping is fairly cheap but only because it's near LA and there's a shipping company from edmonton that drives to LA twice a week. They routinely have half-full loads that are cheap to tag on to. With brokerage the total was $525. I can't say for sure what something from North Carolina would cost. There's a website,, where you can post shipping details and have transport companies bid on it.
Sounds like your dad has a pretty kickass shop. What sort of stuff does he build? When you send Ian some pics of the piece you're building send some my way too.
you can suck on my big toe ian before i send you the phone number... i want first crack at this one, if i can muster the money. i don't have photos of the saw itself, but one similar is here:
it looks like the davis and wells... i guess the two companies got together in the 70's.
Cody--Thanks for getting in touch through my Wood Mechanic blog. I think your email has inspired me to post again. After a while I become convinced that nothing I say is particularly interesting, but when someone writes it gives me a shot of courage.
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